Człowiek i jego przekonania z perspektywy narracyjnej koncepcji tożsamości

Robert Grzywacz


Man and His Beliefs from the Perspective of the Concept of Narrative Identity

This paper presents an attempt of arguing that a narrative concept of identity, such as the one elaborated in the hermeneutical approach of Paul Ricoeur, exactly points out the leading position of beliefs in human self-understanding. The concept in question reveals also its productivity in setting the main elements of a ethical-political model of peaceful coexistence of a plurality of beliefs. Finally, the examined theory is tested as to its utility to be a widely operating model of critique of traditional heritage. In particular, this function of the concept of narrative identity is verified in confrontation with the views of some of its critics.

Keywords: Paul Ricoeur, hermeneutics, narrative identity, beliefs, critique, pluralism.

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