Kazimierza Ajdukiewicza projekt nauczania logiki

Ryszard Maciołek


Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz’s Project of Teaching Logic

In the article about Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz’s project of teaching logic, views of the outstanding Polish logician and philosopher on the state and needs of the subordinate logic teaching in universities is presented. They testify that this subject matter was being uninterruptedly present in the publications of the author. They prove moreover that the author elaborated on the project of the subordinate logic teaching according to its cohesive function. The students’ proficiency in thinking and speaking logically, in an effective wise, is the main objective of logic. Students are not going to acquire this proficiency unless taught. That is why some attempts to improve the efficiency of logical thinking and speaking adopted in schools and universities are not bringing about satisfying results. The project includes the following aspects of logic: the research, program, methodology, preparing of the staff. In the whirl of arguments and various proposals of solving the problem, Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz’s views are not always taken into account sufficiently. His project has not been, as yet, fully implemented. But the students’ deteriorating logical culture, nowadays perceptible, serves as a reminder of how valuable Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz’s proposal for the improvement could be.

Keywords: subordinate teaching logic, the methodology of sciences, the efficiency of the logical thinking and speaking, logical knowledge, logical culture, project to teach logic.

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