Personalizm etyczny. Różnice i podobieństwa w relacji do personalizmu tradycyjnego

Justyna Czekajewska


Author: Czekajewska Justyna Title: THE DIFFERENCES AND SIMILARITIES OF ETHICAL AND TRADITIONAL PERSONALISM (Personalizm etyczny. Różnice i podobieństwa w relacji do personalizmu tradycyjnego)
Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2008, vol:.8, number: 2008/1, pages: 179-188 Keywords: ETHICAL PERSONALISM, UTILITARIANISM, TRADITIONAL PERSONALISM, PERSONALISTIC THEORY Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address):
Abstract Personalism is commonly thought of as one of the most important standpoints in the history of ethical thought. Nevertheless, it is difficult to give a precise definition of the term due to numerous and often intermingling varieties of personalistic thought, for example, Christian, radical, or liberal personalism, to mention a few. The aim of the present paper is a more detailed analysis of personalistic theory. The problem is important as personalism, next to utilitarianism, is one of the most influential ethical currents nowadays.

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