Ontologiczne podstawy aksjologii w filozofii Tadeusza Czeżowskiego

Dariusz Łukasiewicz


Author: Łukasiewicz Dariusz Title: ONTOLOGICAL BASIS OF AXIOLOGY IN TADEUSZ CZEŻOWSKI’S PHILOSOPHY (Ontologiczne podstawy aksjologii w filozofii Tadeusza Czeżowskiego)
Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2008, vol:.8, number: 2008/1, pages: 155-177 Keywords: CZEŻOWSKI, AXIOLOGICAL ANTINATURALISM, AXIOLOGICAL PREDICATES, VALUES Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address):
Abstract The author of the paper tries to defend some version of axiological antinaturalism, the view that values are not reducible to facts or natural properties. This systematic approach is based on Tadeusz Czeżowski’s idea that axiological predicates suchas ‘good’ or ‘beautiful’ are only apparent predicates. In fact, as Czeżowski argued, axiological predicates should be treated as propositional operators. However, the main argument of the paper propounded in defense of axiological antinaturalism consists in intensional interpretation of axiological propositional operators, which is in contradiction with extensional understanding of logical constants defended by Czeżowski himself. These operators are regarded in the article in a way similar to modal operators of contemporary modal logic. Such an approach to axiological expressions makes it possible to put forward a solution to the problem of supervenience, which seems to be both elegant and effective.

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