ÅšwiatopoglÄ…d, prawo i obyczaj a kryzys cywilizacji Zachodu poczÄ…tku XXI w.

Radosław Kawczyński


This essay refers to Anna Pałubicka’s thesis introduced in her book Gramatyka kultury europejskiej. I argue that western civilization experiences a kind of deep structural crisis. I try to diagnose this crisis focusing on weltanschauung, law and custom understood as sets of norms and directives (spheres of culture) in terms of the socioregulative theory of culture. My thesis is that in the postmodern (or late modern) era up till now some functional sets of values of weltanschauung, law and custom there have been not evolved. Due to the actual political conditions any significant changes of law could be expected. As a consequence, in the foreseeable future the former (modern) forms or evolving of new specific (described as postmodern or late modern) forms of weltanschauung and custom can be expected return.

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