Przednowoczesne źródła pojęć moralnych jako problem etyki gospodarczej

Jacek Sójka


The aim of this article is to underline the problem of an outdated character of some of the moral concepts which are still in use, but which nevertheless do not offer appropriate recognition of today’s economic reality. As an example may serve the premodern notion of greed, often used in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007–2009. The so-called institutional ethics distinguish between premodern and modern understanding of the role of ethical regulation in the field of economic life and is focused on the latter. As an example of institutional ethics serves here the economic ethics developed by Karl Homann along the tradition of German ordoliberalism. What is proposed here is the reinterpretation of ethics in economic terms as well as strong conviction that efficient grounding of moral norms in today’s society will not be possible without directing one’s attention toward potential advantages one is able to achieve while interacting with other people.

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