O dwóch postawach wobec rzeczywistości historycznej (kilka refleksji nad lekturą Gramatyki kultury europejskiej Anny Pałubickiej)

Jan Pomorski


Pałubicka's theory of grammar of culture provides a theoretical perspective from which I investigate two attitudes towards the History making process, called here homo historicus (History-maker) and homo metahistoricus (History-observer) patterns of thinking and action. I assume that the grammar of European culture is responsible for the differentiation between the opposing patterns of using and abusing the History, because – as the neuroscience has it – the fundamental here is the so-called, implicit memory – the deepest structure of our brain the neurobiologists can identify. This form of memory is investigated by means of indirect insights, i. e. those which do not require conscious or intentional recollection of the past experience, actually. Therefore, the perspective of subjectivity; of the self-conscious History-maker who is directly engaged in an activism towards the History, should account for a possibility of unconscious and emotion-based actions . I also claim that since the sixties of the 20th Century, a new paradigm of the cultural pattern has been established in Europe, based on, so-called, the new heuristic and project management, which is a dialectical synthesis of both prior: vita activa and vita contemplativa. In a second part of this paper, I analyze the Polish case thereof – the solidarity citizenship pattern of culture, as the factor of the 1989' Great Transformation.

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